Monthly Desktop Calendar

Production Time: 10 Working Days
500 As low as $9.43 each
1000 As low as $9.07 each
1500 As low as $8.93 each
2500 As low as $8.78 each
5000 As low as $3.81 each
10000 As low as $3.60 each
The size of this standing desktop calendar is 10.1" x 8.7", which is a perfect size for your desk to help you focus on easily and effective planning, scheduling and tracking your daily life without taking up too much your desktop space. The monthly spread of this stand up desk calendar features the previous and next month reference for your long-term planning. Also, Federal holidays are highlighted to help remind you of every important holiday and organize your time efficiently. There is Memo Page on the other side of this standing desk calendar, you can jot down your important dates, your appointment, your thoughts and your ideas. Or you can use it to summarize your whole month at the end of it. Also, the six referencing month can help you organized your time and your long-term plans.

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
This standing desktop calendar helps you focus on easily and effective planning, scheduling and tracking your daily life.

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