Laminated Die-Cut Postcard (8.5x5.25) w/Detachable Card (3.375x2.125) - 24 PT

  • Great for loyalty cards
  • Great for membership cards
  • Postcard to highlight your business and use the punch-out for your promotions or a membership card
Production Time: 7 Working Days
100 $2.27 each
250 $1.47 each
500 $1.09 each
1000 $0.76 each
2500 $0.67 each
5000 $0.61 each
10000 $0.52 each
25000 $0.48 each
50000 $0.42 each
Laminated plastic die-cut postcards are the perfect way to send membership cards, loyalty cards or any type of coupon for high visibility and durability.

Laminated plastic die-cut postcards are effective marketing tools used to communicate your message to prospective and current customers.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
5.25 in. x 8.5 in.

26 lbs per 500 cards

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Price includes printing in full-color (four color process) on one or both sides. Exact color matches, metallic and fluorescent colors not available in full-color.

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